This and That

Reputation is all we have

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In the creative world, there are so many ways to get to the top. Some are conventional while others are pure underhand and dirty.

And yet again some of these methods of getting to the top are only applicable in particular settings. What works in the American setup can’t always work here in Nyasaland. So many dynamics at play which sets the two worlds apart in terms of its methods of operating and output demands.

Stories are told of how some artists from the Big Apple deliberately get into scandals as part of their promotional strategies ahead of the release of either movie productions or music albums or just to improve their ratings in terms of followership on the Internet.

Some have even gone as far as leaking very private moments with their partners just to attract media attention. It has worked for them. Tremendously. I would have loved to mention some names here who have ridden on such stunts, but I will leave it at that.

Back home, this week one name that stole the limelight was of the love ballads king Rashley. This time around Rashley did not catch people’s attention because he has released a smashing hit like is always the case.

The talking points was via some silly video clip which captured him having a near-intimate moment with his supposed girlfriend. How the said clip got into public hands is a story for another day.

Whether the leak was deliberate or just an accident, we don’t know. What surprised music fans though was the immediate announcement that followed the hullabaloo of the leak. The artist announced he was releasing a single the next evening.

His action had people questioning if the leak was deliberate as a way of promoting his forthcoming single. People even started reflecting on the candidness of his apology which came hours before he announced he was dropping a single that evening.

Granted! Rashley indeed managed to make himself the talk of the town. At least the social media engine had a good time feasting on what was rare scandal from a public figure.

If you ask me, what he was captured doing in the clip was a normal excursion that many lovers do. Actually, behind their closed doors a lot more do worse. I would be the last to throw a stone at him.

What baffles me is whether the leak was deliberate or not. From where I am standing, it appears the leak was purposely done. The coincidence of the leak and the release of the single is just too huge to be ignored.

Rashley is a young artist who is just establishing his name in the music circles. I don’t want to believe that he has already come at the wits end that his brain can’t think of better ways of promoting his content than causing a sensation of that nature.

I would be inclined to mention the names of Lucius Banda, Ben Mankhamba and others who have aged in the business but are still deploying smart techniques in keeping their careers afloat. Despite the competition they are facing now, they haven’t placed the desperation button yet.

What will Rashley do five years from now if he is already bereft of fresh and honest ideas with just a year or two in the game? I don’t know if he calculated the risk of his undertaking. How much has he gained and how much has he lost.

The creative industry in Malawi is already very thin in terms of opportunities. The cake is too small and the hands that are coming on the table continues to swell every day. It would be folly for one to come to this table with dirtied hands. You won’t be allowed a bite.

When the corporates are searching for brand ambassadors, so many things are considered. Reputation is one of the key factors. If your reputation is not intact, then count yourself out. What has this act done to Rashley’s reputation? Let me pause. n

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